Client: Roscommon National Roads Design Office (NRDO)
In December 2014, PMCE Ltd. were appointed by Roscommon National Roads Design Office (NRDO) as Road Safety Specialists for the proposed N59 Clifden to Maam Cross Road Development Scheme. The total length of the proposed development is 29.2 km.
PMCE Ltd. assessed the safety of the existing road network and conditions on the route and assessed the effect the proposed development would have on all road users. PMCE Ltd.’s findings were included in the Preliminary Design Report and Environmental Impact Statement for the proposed development.
PMCE Ltd. assessed the current road network with regards to road safety by analysing historical collision data on the existing route and conducting a Road Safety Inspection (RSI) of the existing conditions.
The RSI identified 448 elements within the existing road environment that could contribute to collision occurrence or to an increase in the injury severity should a collision occur and the analysis of historical collision data found that a total of 54 collisions occurred along this section of the N59 during the period 2000 to 2011, 5 of which involved a fatality.
Based on their findings PMCE Ltd. estimated the potential reduction in future collisions should the proposed developments be realised.
PMCE Ltd. are currently preparing to appear at an Oral Hearing to give evidence regarding their findings on the effect of this proposed road development on road safety along this route.